I feel like we need to have a discussion about the implicit bias of using “tribalism” as a pejorative, but a lot of people aren’t ready for that. Y’all ain’t talking about Gaul, are ya

So, I don’t like Led Zeppelin (I don’t like Roy Lichtenstein either), but further more, I never got the appeal of Led Zeppelin.

But I keep relistening to “De Selby (Part 2)” by Hozier, and now I get the appeal of Zeppelin; I can see what it was going for but that never clicked for me

Testing to see if this cross posting thing works

Moving from the combat and traversal of Sekiro to that of Mirrors Edge Catalyst is night and day, and not in a good way. I really liked the first Mirror’s Edge, but the second one / reboot just doesn’t feel right (and the combat isn’t doing anything for me either)

Kirk Cousins broke the dog-in-him scale

Seriously, I had to rescale the Y and X axes to fit him on. A player isn’t supposed to have that level of dog in him.

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A new phase in sports microblogging

I’m going to experiment with moving my sports posting over here rather than on my main Mastodon account. Let’s start with an image and see what happens. #NFL

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